reprinted with permission from
Poison Fire, Sacred Earth,
pages 168-170
The Western Shoshone National Council is convinced that our present situation, our inability to protect our lands in court and preventing their confiscation by the United States is based upon the principles contained in these two [1493 Inter Caetera & 1452] bulls. In essence, the United States' Supreme Court handed down a decision in which it said that the Indian Nations don't have true title to their lands, they only have a title of occupancy, because they were not Christians. That the first Christian nation to discover an area of heathen infidel lands had the ultimate dominion over those lands and absolute title.
The Western Shoshone Nation owns the Nevada Nuclear Test Site where the United States and Great Britain test their nuclear weapons. The Western Shoshone Nation is the most bombed nation in the world. Our lands cover a vast expanse of approximately 40,000 square miles which includes parts of California, Utah, Idaho and, of course, Nevada. Our traditional territory was recognized through a formal treaty with the United States in 1863, the Treaty of Ruby Valley. This treaty defined the basis for future relations between the Western Shoshone Nation and the United States. It was a treaty of "Peace and Friendship". It was different than many of the treaties of the time, which were treaties of cession. Our treaty did not give any land to the United States. We have never violated this treaty. On the other hand, the United States has violated the very essence of this treaty by testing its nuclear weapons on our lands and people. We call these tests "bombs" because the purpose of a bomb is to destroy. The hundreds of craters on our lands, the adverse health effects upon our people and wildlife are testimony to this destruction. Jim Garrett talked about the lost generation of Native Americans. We also have this lost generation. They have lost the ability to think. The psychological and physical effects of nuclear testing and exposure to radiation has certainly added to the troubles of this generation. We have lost one generation through nuclear testing. We will not lose another. . . .
Germany, France and Sweden are also searching for a disposal method and site. To a varying degree each has pursued a technology-based approach while disregarding public acceptance and participation. Each of these countries has found it necessary, however, to redirect their nuclear waste programs to allow greater public participation and acceptance. The United States is the only democratic country which is insisting on forcing a nuclear waste solution upon its citizens. We are adamantly opposed to the nuclear waste dumping of the United States on our sovereign lands, and we have passed a resolution to this effect.
. . . I have a final thought: Man's existence on earth has been brief and exciting in geological terms. His computers can now predict where the continental plates will be in 20 million years. We also have weapons that can destroy this planet. Whether or not man will be part of that future is being decided now. And I hope you all with me decide to be part of that future.
Ian Zabarte
Ian Zabarte, Western Shoshone Nation, Nevada, USA. Western Shoshone National Council, Director of the Nuclear Oversight Project of the Western Shoshone Nation.
Hello! My name is Ian Zabarte, I'm a Western Shoshone Indian. I'm very happy to be here. I'm from Nevada. What makes my being here so special is seeing so many new faces that are working on common issues. To many Native Americans, Christopher Columbus was found lost at sea. The ideas which I'm about to speak are supported by the Western Shoshone National Council and were given to us by our friend Steven Newcomb, a Shawnee-Delaware Indian. As Floyd Westerman mentioned yesterday, upon Christopher Columbus' return back to Spain, Pope Alexander VI issued a document which called upon Spain and Portugal to conquer -- or as he put it: "That the barbarous nations be subjugated and reduced to the faith itself."
This document is known as the Inter Caetera Bull of 1493. The essence of this papal document is that it was a declaration of war against indigenous peoples from other parts of the world, no matter what those parts are. In another papal document from 1452, Pope Nicolas V called on Alfonso of Portugal to go to the West coast of Africa and to "conquer and vanquish and subdue" the natives and to "put them into perpetual slavery and to take all their possessions and property". The Inter Caetera Bull of 1493 was actually in this same tradition, not recognizing native peoples as being truly sovereign independent people with inherent rights to territorial possessions. I believe that this document is the basis for many of the situations that indigenous victims are facing. We are disenfranchised peoples.
As you may be aware, 1993 has been declared the Year of the Indigenous Peoples by the United Nations. Many indigenous peoples had wanted 1992 to be the Year of the Indigenous Peoples, but Spain and other countries had objected that this would interfere with their celebration of Columbus' first voyage to the so-called New World. This is actually going to make the two dates coincide: The Year of the Indigenous Peoples and the 500th anniversary of the Inter Caetera Bull. Both of these dates should now have extreme importance to all indigenous peoples throughout the world. What Steve Newcomb has proposed is that Pope John Paul II formally renounce these two bulls in 1993, 500 years after their inception.
The Western Shoshone National Council is convinced that our present situation, our inability to protect our lands in court and preventing their confiscation by the United States is based upon the principles contained in these two bulls. In essence, the United States' Supreme Court handed down a decision in which it said that the Indian Nations don't have true title to their lands, they only have a title of occupancy, because they were not Christians. That the first Christian nation to discover an area of heathen infidel lands had the ultimate dominion over those lands and absolute title.
The Western Shoshone Nation owns the Nevada Nuclear Test Site where the United States and Great Britain test their nuclear weapons. The Western Shoshone Nation is the most bombed nation in the world. Our lands cover a vast expanse of approximately 40,000 square miles which includes parts of California, Utah, Idaho and, of course, Nevada. Our traditional territory was recognized through a formal treaty with the United States in 1863, the Treaty of Ruby Valley. This treaty defined the basis for future relations between the Western Shoshone Nation and the United States. It was a treaty of "Peace and Friendship". It was different than many of the treaties of the time, which were treaties of cession. Our treaty did not give any land to the United States. We have never violated this treaty. On the other hand, the United States has violated the very essence of this treaty by testing its nuclear weapons on our lands and people. We call these tests "bombs" because the purpose of a bomb is to destroy. The hundreds of craters on our lands, the adverse health effects upon our people and wildlife are testimony to this destruction. Jim Garrett talked about the lost generation of Native Americans. We also have this lost generation. They have lost the ability to think. The psychological and physical effects of nuclear testing and exposure to radiation has certainly added to the troubles of this generation. We have lost one generation through nuclear testing. We will not lose another.
We are fighting for our lands which are the essence of who we are. We know these lands, the mountains bear the figures of our greatest chiefs, the valleys contain the foods that have sustained our people for 10,000 years. The earth is our mother. These lands contain the patterns and lifeways which our people need to carry on our traditions, much like DNA carries the messages of the human body. If these lands are uninhabitably destroyed, we have nowhere to go, no reason to go on. We cannot discover some other land to inhabit. Our culture and tradition dictate that we remain within our traditional homelands as caretakers. This is our responsibility. Otherwise we are risking the future of our children. The Western Shoshone Nation is adamantly opposed to any nuclear testing on our lands, and we have passed a resolution to this effect.
Some scientists are looking at the plausibility of designating some contaminated areas as "National Sacrifice Zones". This theory is surely a flawed one. In our belief all land is sacred. We cannot continue to destroy them. Destroying them in the first place was wrong. We should take care of our lands and try to clean them up, no matter what it takes, no matter how long. We must learn to live on our lands. Along with this theory of National Sacrifice Zones, first an area is destroyed or contaminated, then they would compound the problem by adding nuclear and toxic waste.
At the Nevada Nuclear Test Site there is a mountain half on and half off of the test site known as Yucca Mountain. The U.S. Department of Energy is charged with the investigation of Yucca Mountain as the first site for the United States high-level nuclear waste repository. The High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository Project is the highest profile and most technologically advanced project being undertaken in the United States. This site is located less than 20 miles from where nuclear weapons are exploded underground, producing earthquakes that register 4.5 on the Richter scale. There are 21 faults running through Yucca Mountain and seven inactive volcanos. The scientific criteria dictate that the site must contain the waste for 10,000 years. Borrowing from the ideas of one of our earlier speakers, we ask: How can they guarantee that the waste will be contained for 10,000 years? They have only been on the North American continent for 500 years and on Western Shoshone lands for less than 200. We plan to remain on our lands for the next 10,000 years, and we need them to be uncontaminated!
Germany, France and Sweden are also searching for a disposal method and site. To a varying degree each has pursued a technology-based approach while disregarding public acceptance and participation. Each of these countries has found it necessary, however, to redirect their nuclear waste programs to allow greater public participation and acceptance. The United States is the only democratic country which is insisting on forcing a nuclear waste solution upon its citizens. We are adamantly opposed to the nuclear waste dumping of the United States on our sovereign lands, and we have passed a resolution to this effect.
Dear friends, I wanted to give that portion of my presentation first, because what I will now talk about is very personal and drives great emotion from me. And I feel vulnerable at this time. I couldn't have made a strong presentation thus far if I started any differently. I was lucky enough to be born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area in northern California. Growing up, we frequently visited the reservations where many of my family live. In 1980, I finally came home for good. I had not reached my 21st birthday and neither had many of my cousins. But they never would because they died from leukemia. My uncle Philip Graham also died from cancer. His children have many problems as most children without a father.
Recently, my cousin who had lost a daughter to leukemia was trying to fill out the paperwork for the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, the law which allows up to 50,000 dollars for downwinders to be compensated if they could prove some of the requirements like presence in the site and being there during certain dates. Her daughter passed away when she was ten. Her daughter was born eleven days after the 30-day-period which would have qualified her for these payments. Though for nine months, her daughter was in her womb and she was in the area downwind from the fallout and the test site. There are many problems with this Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. The 50,000 dollars doesn't even cover the medical expenses -- the illnesses which are allowed through this act are very narrow and are difficult to qualify.
I like to think of myself as voluntarily becoming an activist for my people. I suppose that in some way I can feel some satisfaction in helping those less fortunate. But this is only the way I like to think about myself. In reality, I'm doing this to save my son from being harmed by radiation. I'm doing this for a selfish reason. However, I hope that you feel this strongly about your children as I do of mine. We often talk about treating our children well, so that when we are older they will treat us well. I'm sure that your elders are treated with great respect here in Austria because they have given you one of the greatest gifts one can receive -- good health.
I wanted to mention a Western Shoshone, Joe Sanchez, whom I have known and worked together with on these issues. Earlier this month his leukemia returned. We hope that Joe has the strength to overcome this illness. Joe and I have also worked on a series of events which I want to tell you about. Next month the Western Shoshone Nation is hosting a series of events, "Healing Global Wounds" and "Indigenous Peoples Forum" in Las Vegas and at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. The reason for these events are twofold: We felt that we could not let official 1992 Quincentennial Celebrations go undisturbed, and we needed to bring visibility to the health effects which are suffered by downwinders which desperately need attention. My friend Steve Newcomb will give us a detailed presentation on his research and the 1493 Inter Caetera Bull as well as other presenters such as Dr. Rosalie Bertell dealing with medical issues. I offer you a heartfelt invitation to come and join us.
I have additional information on this event as well as about our land and human rights struggle which will be available in the hall. We also have a film entitled "To Protect Mother Earth", a sequel to "Broken Treaty at Battle Mountain", both films are narrated by Robert Redford. I have a final thought: Man's existence on earth has been brief and exciting in geological terms. His computers can now predict where the continental plates will be in 20 million years. We also have weapons that can destroy this planet. Whether or not man will be part of that future is being decided now. And I hope you all with me decide to be part of that future.
Thank you.
Father John (Moderator)I think who cannot be touched, especially by the last paragraph that Ian has lost many relatives and friends. I think everybody has been touched from that. So we go forward to listen to Gracelyn. Welcome!